viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2009
THE LAST POST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Firstly, my career, Physical therapy, is related with the use of tecnology and the human movement, so, to Physical Therapists is very important know how to use computers and machines related with this science. To do a good treatment is essencial to apply the knowledge and the tecnology that you have. In the next paragraphs, I'll try to explain why we have to use tecnology and how the tecnology help us to do a treatment.
In this year, we studied many things related with the molecular side of our career: tissues (muscles, bones, tendons, etc), biology and fisiology. The most of the things that we studied in this subjects had been discovered thanks to the help of the tecnology and, obviusly, thank to the scientists too. We have to understand that every process of the body and of the nature have a biological explication, and we must understand that very good, because we help people and we must know what is happening on a sick body and in a body of a healthy person. For example, in Fisiology, this year, we studied neuroscience and muscle contraction, both are importants for our career, and study the molecular aspect of the muscle is useful to explain differents diseases, like Miastenia Gravis. All this things we should know because a treatment for a disease that could be similar in syntoms should have other way to heal it.
Study tissues is important to us because a damage in the muscle or the bone happened on their respectives tissues, so know how is a tissue help us to know how we have repair the structure (bone or muscle).
We studied how to use microscopes. This is basic for any person that study something related with the health of people. If you don't know how happened the things inside of us, it would be hard explain a disease or a damage in our bodies.
In conclusion, a responsable and good Physical Therapist not only must know how to do a treatment for a determinate disease, also must know that every person is unique and every process have a explication that it can be discovered thanks to the help of tecnology and our knowledge. The knowledge is learned not only throught to the study but the experience of the proffesional.
viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2009
My faculty
In conclusion, the infrastructure is a problem that is resolved with money, so, the faculty needs more resources of the University and the Chile Statement, because this is the University of the country and they should help to all the students of this University, improving the Faculties.
viernes, 30 de octubre de 2009
Free Time and Hobbies
Other hobbie is watch programmes in History Channel or National Geographic, or some channel like that, especially, programmes that show other cultures and countries, in different ages of the history or related with my career. Oh, I was forgeting something, I like cooking, specially, chinese food. I like inventing new dishes too.
Well, the things that I did or I do in my free time, they have helped to meet new persons and do friends, specially, the sports. The historical or scientific programmes have helped to me to be a person more tolerant with other cultures, religions or simply know things useful for the life. Respect with the food, sometimes, to my friends likes that I cook them. For example, in the holidays, sometimes they ask me their favourites dishes and I did them.
The music is other of my hobbies. I like groups like Garbage, Placebo, Coldplay, Lucybell, Travis and Keane, and singers like Norah Jones and Alejandro Sanz. In general, my favourite kind of music is the brit pop and rock.
viernes, 23 de octubre de 2009
Holidays .-
When I was a child, I went to Viña del Mar because my family had a house there. I walked n the beach and I played there. I liked (and still I like) ride a bike in the park. I remember that I went to eat pizza and ice cream near to the beach. In the 2000, I went to Puerto Varas in holidays, I knew Petrohué, Ralún, Ancud, Puerto Montt, Valdivia, Osorno, Frutillar and Todos los Santos lake. Other holiday that I remember is when my family and I went to Buenos Aires, I was fifteen. I bought many books and Cd's because they were very cheap, cheaper than Santiago obviusly.
Well, for this holidays, I don't have plans, the only thing that I'm sure is that I'll go to missions to the south of Chile, representing to my school. We don't know exactly where we go, but almost always is the ninth or tenth region. The last time we went to Cumbre Alta, near Puerto Montt. It is a little town and we had a great experience there. The people is very nice and kind. The missions are in January. After that, I don't know what I do. I don't think that my family go out, so I think that I'd go to the beach with my friends, to the house of a friend of mine in Ilimay, near San Antonio.
Honestly, If I had money, I'd like to know Chile from north to south with all my family in the holidays. After that, I'd travel with my best friends to somewhere in the World, a place where we can relax and enjoy very much, for example, the Caribbean or Europe. And if I travelled alone, I'd like to know San Francisco, in USA, South East of Asia, China, South America, India and Europe. I love travel.
For this holidays, I expect go to many places with my parents, brothers and friends. I'd like to celebrate my birthday with people I love and go to a disco or something like that to enjoy my 19 years old.
viernes, 16 de octubre de 2009
Exercise and Chemotherapy
The therapy for the people that participated in the study consisted in 9 hours of exercise per week, this includes exercises for the heart, muscles, relaxation exercise and massages. Despite the results of the investigation said that people feeling better than other people with this disease, the quality of life did not improve in general. It was a momentary well-being. To improve the quality of life, the exercises should be forever. This study is very reliable, because it was done with two groups (who did exercise and who didn't) and this allows to know if people really feel better or if it was a placebo effect. Before finishing, people who are in Chemotherapy and feel fatigue, before starting to do exercise, is better to call the doctor or ask for the treatment to know what kind of sport or exercise is better for the person.
The link is
viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2009
viernes, 28 de agosto de 2009
France (=
viernes, 14 de agosto de 2009
My first term .-
viernes, 26 de junio de 2009
My blogging experience .-
viernes, 19 de junio de 2009
My ideal Job! =D
lunes, 15 de junio de 2009
Kine and Science =) is the website that I love to visit, because it helps me when I’m trying to look for something related with my career. In this site I can find many information about the subjects that I’m studying and I can also download fields with the information that I need to complement my notes.
In this “blog” many physical therapists students fill their minds with the knowledge that they need to be an excellent physical therapist
Also I can find different contents such as histology, physiology, anatomy, or any subject related with what I need to study and if I have any doubts I can post a message and someone who knows about what I’m asking for will answer me as soon as possible.
Well, I try to visit this website everyday to see the actualizations and anything new that could be useful for me and I found it when I was surfing on the net looking for some histology information and the last thing that I can say is that It has been very stirring for me until now.
sábado, 13 de junio de 2009
My favourite subject (=
a talk review
The problem is that schools structures is always the same, they put on the top of everything math an language and they give less importance to subjects like humanities or arts that should be as important as math.
Ken Robinson says education is base on the industrialism because ‘the most useful for work is the most important to teach’, that’s why when you like something when you are a kid you don’t work in that on the future , and he thinks that in schools there are many talented kids but they are repress and for that reason they lose all their potential and is for this kind of things that we ought to be carefully with our creativity and intelligence and use it for have a better future and make our children be able to take advantage of their creativity.
viernes, 5 de junio de 2009
In 5 years... (:
The best in Physical Therapy :O
Then he studied Physical Therapy, after that he studied Anatomy. And now he is teacher in the "Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación" where he teaching Anatomy. I like Enrique Enoch because he known how be a football player and relationated to a career. And then, to be a top Physical Therapist. Also, he is younger than other teachers, He is around 30 years old. Actually, he is working in "Clinica Santa Maria", with other important professionals destacated, like the Doctor who operated a English football player, that I don't remember his name now.
My career: Physical Therapy
My favourite photograph
viernes, 24 de abril de 2009
My favourite piece of technology
I believe that if I don't have internet in my life I'll accustum to live without it, I like it, but I'm not a obsessive. Ok, I have to go... byebye !

viernes, 27 de marzo de 2009
Weel, I hope you aren't boring with me and my blog. I want to know more about you, about your life, what do you do in your daily life, if you are a student like me or you work, It would be interesting.
Ok, I have to go now.
Take care, byebye!